ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Strangers across the Borders: India China and the World


India and china are the two most populous and strategically important countries of the modern times. The relations between the two nuclear armed powered countries are consequential for people across the border, for the neighboring countries and for the world peace. The relations between two countries have been through different clouds over the period of time. The relations between the two can be traced from the ancient times when Buddhism flourished in China. From the ancient period to the claws of colonialism and from there to the modern times, the relations between the two countries have been through ups and down. The world has changed completely in terms of technology, innovation, economics, geography etc. and so the relations between the countries. From the kingdoms paying tributes in the courts of each other, to being stranger next door, the two countries have turned into foes from being close friends of each other. The relations between both the countries have been through a turbulent phase in the recent times. This article traces the development of relations between the two economic and military powerhouses and their course through the long period of time. As the world looks keenly and the strategic thinkers keep an eye on the relations between the two world powers, it becomes crucial to analytically understand the changing dynamics of relations between the countries. At a time when the tensions are again at a historic high after the 1962 war, this article attempts to understand the relations between the two neighbors along with the engagement of both the countries with other key players.

Abhishek Yadav*

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