ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Solution journalism: The need of the contemporary developing societies


Solution journalism is a reporting on the responses to the social problems which include evidences and insights to help the communities. This trend of reporting has gained a new height in recent years. The developing societies across the world have been suffering from various forms of social problems which largely affect populations of these countries. Here the role of media is crucial since it not only covers the social problems but also provide essential preventive measures to the society. With the development of innovative technologies, the media has gained huge reach across the world. The urban population is more dependent on media for their informational needs. The paper attempts to identify the need of solution oriented information in the contemporary developing societies like India. A survey (n=500) was conducted in the Delhi/NCR regions of India to find out the dependency of people on media to connect with the news on social problems and their quest to find solutions in the news programmes/ reports. It was found that maximum respondents were highly dependent on media to get access to the information about the social happenings. They were also found to prefer more in-depth information in need of solutions to the widely shared social problems.

 Deepa Rani

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