ISSN: 1550-7521
Russian Ballet Poetics in Plastic of Minor Forms in Late 19th – First Third of 20th Century (to the Problem of World Heritage)
Urgency of the synthesis and interaction of Plastic Arts in late 19th – first third of 20th century is due to rise of the ballet theatre, wide public and especially people of art’s interest, who had strove to lodge the dance in different forms and genres of Arts. The aspects of dance interpretation in means of small sculptures, substantially in porcelain, as the most spectacular in image building, considered in the article. Analyzing trends in the development of ballet and sculptural plasticity of this period, the author shows them in deep mutual integration of artistic and creativity. For the first time a row of the pieces of art, identified and gathered, has been fully analyzed being in central museums of Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg and in foreign private collections. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of figurative plastic arts and features of individual products; there are highlighted their individual typical stylistic and technical features unique for different masters, mainly the Imperial Porcelain Factory. In the article provides new data on many works, resulting from the author’s long-term research.
Tatiana Portnova
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