ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Promulgation of Community Health Programme on Radio in Nigeria: A Survey


The present paper aims to identify the level of awareness and determine the perception of audience on the programme titled “community health” broadcast by community radio ABU 101.1 FM which is located in Zaria Kaduna state, Nigeria. The researcher has tried to glean up conceptual and empirical studies on development media theory and perception theory with the paper under study. The total population of Zaria Kaduna state encompasses 74,829 people. Survey Monkey sample size calculator was used with 95% confidence level and 80% margin of error to arrive at a sample size of 150. Consequently, one hundred and fifty questionnaires (150) were administered using purposive and systematic random sampling techniques. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The data were presented using frequency tables, percentages and charts. The major findings revealed that ABU Samaru 101.1 FM gives priority to health-related issues through creating awareness on any breakout of the certain societal epidemics within Samaru community. Also, this study found that community health programme on ABU 101.1 FM radio contributes to development by featuring health programmes on adult health, children health, personal hygiene, maternal health and health education. The study recommends that these programmes should be produced in Hausa dialect and English language respectively so as to fill in the language barrier among the residents of Samaru community and thereby improve the effectiveness of the programme. It also recommends that community health programme on ABU 101.1 FM should also feature phone-in programmes in order to know the opinions of the audience, especially Samaru residents on community health related issues.

Afaq Ahmad*, Sagir Lawan Isyaku

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