ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Opportunities and Challenges for Women Journalist in Media Industry: A Critical Review


In the present scenario, Women journalists have played a significant role in shaping the media industry, from reporting on important events to advocating for gender equality and social justice. However, despite progress in recent years, women journalists still need to overcome several challenges and threats in the industry. Gender discrimination is one major challenge faced by women journalists today. This can take many forms, from being paid less than their male counterparts to being passed over for promotion. Women journalists may also face bullying and harassment in the workplace, which can make it difficult to do their job effectively. Another challenge women journalist’s face is the underrepresentation of women in decision-making roles. Women are often excluded from leadership positions in media organizations, making it difficult for them to have their voices heard and advance in their careers. Women journalists have made significant contributions to the media industry and continue to do so. They bring a unique perspective to news coverage and have helped to create a more diverse and inclusive media landscape. As the industry continues to evolve, ensuring women have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive as journalists are important. This review paper highlights the opportunities and challenges for women journalists in the media industry

Dr. Bharet Dheman*

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