ISSN: 1550-7521
'Media and Me' in the Lock-down: An Exploratory Study to Understand Media Consumption Pattern among Urban Millennial during Lock-down Period due to Covid-19
Almost all the countries in the world have impacted due to Covid-19 virus spread and subsequent lockdown in the beginning of 2020. This ‘forced’ lockdown have resulted in the change in social and personal life due to Covid-19. Use of media and social media has seen as the most convenient way of active engagement during the lockdown. Thanks to the advancement in media technologies and communication technologies which have eased human life during this lockdown. It is observed that there is huge rise in consuming electronic media and online media by all age groups, genders and social strata in the society. Many reports claimed about the increase media usage. The researcher have high-lighted the finding of these reports in this research paper. The reports data and the observations made the researcher curious to understand media consumption pattern. Millennial population of any country contributes in economic and social development and so the researched decided to explore the media consumption pattern among millennial in urban India. The primary aim of this research study is to explore media consumption among millennial during lock-down period. The other objectives of the study are - to understand the media preferences during the lockdown and preferred time slots of the specific media platform. It is a descriptive study and used self-guided questionnaire as a research tool. The convenient sampling method is used to collect responses from the online questionnaire. 288 urban millennial filled and responded to the online questionnaire. This explorative study found that during lock-down time, the millennial consumed more media; they are over connected on different media platforms and also overloaded with different content. The millennial consumed much of the media in the form of short social media posts, surf internet and consumes video content on YouTube and OTT platforms. The millennial found using more online media. They do not consume the lengthy and brief textual content. Serious reading is replaced with byte content in the form of short posts, short messages, photos and videos during lockdown.
Rajeev Ghode
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