ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Lack of Information is the Bane of Water Distribution Systems Maintenance Challenges in South Africa


Information is essential when it comes to the issues surrounding water distribution infrastructural damage and associated intrinsic problems. If information on any ravaged water infrastructure is not promptly shared or sent to the appropriate authority in order to take necessary step to fix the problem, this might have negative impact on water distribution and supply of potable drinking water to the people. This article demonstrates that damaged and defective water distribution systems such as water pipes are prone to contamination of water. To this end, there is need to report any damaged infrastructure noticed by citizen in order for the authority to promptly intervene and effect necessary repairs or maintenance. More importantly, the article highlights the importance of disseminating information on the health problems arising from drinking of contaminated water as a result of defective water distribution systems. It highlights the roles of water service providers in ensuring that they maintain effective and efficient water infrastructure administration and governance for the purposes of addressing the problems of water distribution infrastructural challenges whenever they occur. To achieve this, it is part of the civic responsibility of the citizens to report any water infrastructural damage or leaks to the authority. It also highlights the importance of constant maintenance and refurbishment of existing water distribution infrastructure by skilled and experts in order to be able to continue to provide unhindered quality water services. It emphasizes the need for access to clean water through the use of modern and up-to-date water infrastructures that are appropriate for water supply and distribution purposes. As part of the sustainable solution, it presents the usefulness of water safety plan in addressing the problem of water contamination and pollution. Over and above it highlights the significance of shared information on the issues regarding water and sustainable water infrastructural maintenance.

Odeku Kola O

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