ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Healthcare hashtag index development: distinguishing international impact in social media


Purpose: Create associate degree index of worldwide reach for care hashtags and tweeters in that, filterable by topic of interest.

Materials and Ways: For this proof-of-concept study we tend to targeted on the sphere of medical aid and family practice. Six hashtags were elite supported their importance, from those enclosed within the ‘Healthcare Hash tag Project’. Hash tag international Reach (HGR) was calculated victimisation the additive aggregation of 5 weighted, normalized indicator variables: range of impressions, tweets, tweeters, user locations, and user languages. Information was obtained for the half-moon of 2014 and half-moon of 2015 victimisation Symplur Signals. Topic-specific HGR were calculated for the highest ten terms and for sets of quotes mapped once a thematic analysis. Individual international Reach, IGR, was calculated across hashtags as additive indexes of 3 indicators: replies, retweets and mentions.

Results: Using the HGR score we tend to were ready to rank six elite hashtags and observe their performance throughout the study amount. we tend to found that #PrimaryCare and #FMRevolution had the very best HGR score in each quarters; apparently, #FMChangeMakers tough a marked increase in its international visibility throughout the study amount. “Health Policy” was the most common theme, whereas “Care”, “Family” and “Health” were the foremost common terms.

Discussion: This is the primary study describing associate degree altmetric hash tag index. Forward analytical soundness, the Index may prove generalizable to different care hashtags. If free as a period of time business intelligence tool with customizable settings, it may aid business and strategic choices by netizens, organizations, and analysts. IGR may conjointly serve to enhance educational analysis and skilled development.

Conclusion: Our study demonstrates the feasibleness of victimisation associate degree index on the world reach of care hash tags and tweeter.

John Wilmsherst*

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