ISSN: 1550-7521

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Research Article Open Access

Born into Brothels: The Strife of One Woman to Get the Children Out of the Brothels in India: An Analysis of the Leadership Theories and Traits


This study utilizes the implications of the various leadership theoretical models that are reflected throughout this award winning documentary "Born into Brothels," especially in the demeanor of its director Zana Briski, and its varied characters who are involved in the making of this Oscar winning documentary. It makes an analogy between the six different leadership models that are analyzed in this study to the leadership traits and skills that are displayed by the characters of this documentary. As the documentary progresses the readers get a sense of how this film is characterized by a sense of strife and the unconditional dedication of Zana, to pursue her dream against all odds and to just get the children who are born into the brothels of Calcutta, India out of there. The personalities of the children are varied and cheerful, and speak to the viewer at a personal level. The various leadership theories that are discussed in this review transpire to highlight all those traits and skills of the director and the children that are frequently mentioned in most theoretical constructs of leadership. It adds a realistic perspective to the otherwise purely theoretical implications of the theories defined. It demarcates the mechanisms of organizational and structural changes that are needed to provide an impetus to a stagnant situation. Zana's efforts to bring the plight of these children to a global pedestal are remarkable and commendable. The display of the various leadership constructs that play out as the film unfolds validate her skills and traits as they imply to the enrichment of research in the field of education, leadership and mass communication.

Payal Cascio

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