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Role Of Social Media In Empowering Women Entrepreneurs In India

Ashida Singh*, Vinay Vikram Singh

Amity School of Communication, Amity University, India

Associate Professor, United University, India

*Corresponding Author:
Ashida Singh
Amity School of Communication, Amity University, India Associate Professor, United University, India
Received: 21-May-2024; Manuscript No. gmj-24-136580; Editor assigned: 23-May- 2024; Pre QC No. gmj-24-136580; Reviewed: 06-Jun-2024; QC No. gmj-24-136580; Revised: 11-Jun-2024; Manuscript No. gmj-24-136580 (R); Published: 18-Jun-2024, DOI: 10.36648/1550-7521.22.69.435

Citation: Ashima S, Vinay VS (2024) Role of Social Media In Empowering Women Entrepreneurs In India. Global Media Journal, 22:69.

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 Social media has changed the basic lifestyle of every human. It has changed and transformed the decision making process and understandings of the individuals along with the way they interact, communicate, and do business. The patriarchal nature of Indian society has traditionally posed several challenges for women in the business sphere. However, social media platforms provide unique opportunities for women entrepreneurs to overcome these barriers and establish successful ventures. Social media, in various ways, enables women entrepreneurs to enhance their visibility, access networks, build personal brands, engage with customers and create a successful business and brand. It also addresses the potential challenges and risks associated with using social media in the context of women entrepreneurship in India. By harnessing the power of social media, women entrepreneurs in India can overcome gender-related hurdles and thrive in the business world.


Social Media; Entrepreneur; Women; Empowerment; Digital


The emergence of social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact on a global scale. Social media platforms have revolutionized various aspects of society, including business. In recent years, social media has played a pivotal role in empowering women entrepreneurs in India, providing them with opportunities for growth, visibility, and networking [1]. This essay explores the multifaceted role of social media in empowering women entrepreneurs in India, from connecting businesses to people to showcasing success stories and influencing future business models.

What is Social Media?

Social media refers to web-based platforms that enable users to create, share, and exchange content. It encompasses a broad range of online tools and platforms designed to facilitate user interaction and collaboration. Social media platforms allow individuals, communities, and businesses to connect, communicate, and engage with each other [2]. Examples of popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Types of Social Media

Social media platforms can be categorized into various types based on their primary features and functions. These types include

Networking platforms

Networking platforms such as LinkedIn focus on professional connections, enabling individuals to build and expand their business networks

Content sharing platforms

Content sharing platforms like YouTube and Instagram emphasize the sharing of multimedia content, such as videos and photos, allowing users to express themselves creatively and engage with others through visual media

Micro-blogging platforms

Micro-blogging platforms, such as Twitter and Tumblr, enable users to share short updates, news, and thoughts in real-time, fostering quick and concise communication [3].

Community forums

Community forums like Reddit and Quora facilitate discussions and information sharing among users, allowing individuals with similar interests to come together and exchange ideas

Types of Business Models on Social Media

Social media has given rise to various business models that cater to the unique characteristics and opportunities presented by these platforms. The following are some of the popular business models utilized on social media


Social media platforms provide an ideal environment for e-commerce businesses, allowing entrepreneurs to showcase and sell their products directly to consumers. Facebook Marketplace, Instagram Shopping, and Pinterest Shop are examples of social media platforms that integrate e-commerce features [4].

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become a thriving industry, where individuals with substantial social media followings promote products or services to their audience. Influencers can be powerful allies for women entrepreneurs to raise awareness and gain credibility.

Personal branding

Social media enables women entrepreneurs to build and enhance their personal brands. Platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram allow individuals to showcase their expertise, share valuable insights, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries

Crowd funding

Social media has transformed the fundraising landscape for entrepreneurs. Platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe provide a means for women entrepreneurs to raise capital by tapping into their network and garnering support from individuals interested in their projects

Role Social Media has Played in Connecting Businesses to People

Social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audience. It has eliminated geographical barriers, allowing entrepreneurs to reach a global audience with ease [5]. The role of social media in connecting businesses to people is multi-faceted and includes the following aspects.

Increased reach and visibility

Social media platforms enable women entrepreneurs to expand their reach and gain visibility. By strategically utilizing social media marketing techniques, entrepreneurs can leverage platforms' vast user bases to promote their products or services to a wider audience

Direct communication and customer engagement

Social media provides a direct channel for entrepreneurs to communicate and engage with their customers. It allows for real-time interaction, enabling businesses to respond promptly to customer queries, feedback, and concerns, fostering strong customer relationships

Targeted advertising

Social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting options that allow businesses to tailor their advertising campaigns to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This enables women entrepreneurs to reach their ideal customers effectively, ensuring maximum return on investment

Data analytics and market insights

Social media platforms provide valuable data analytics tools that offer insights into customer behavior, preferences, and market trends [6]. Women entrepreneurs can leverage these insights to make informed business decisions and optimize their marketing strategies

How Social Media has Empowered Women Entrepreneurs in India

The availability of mobile phones and affordable data has resulted in some unintended outcomes. One such consequence is the empowerment of the creator economy, particularly benefiting women creators seeking alternative entry points into the workforce.

Social media has enabled amateur creators to regain control over content distribution and monetization. It is no longer necessary to rely on traditional avenues such as television networks or publishing contracts to showcase one's content. Instead, it has become a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach, with individuals able to share their work through personal websites or social media platforms. However, a significant progression is now taking place – moving beyond mere fame-building to generating income [7].

In the digital realm, women entrepreneurs are excelling across various fields, including fashion blogging and technology leadership. They leverage social media to establish their brands and connect with audiences on their own terms. They demonstrate that success as an entrepreneur does not depend on gender, privilege, or specific backgrounds. Instead, it requires determination, a brilliant idea, a willingness to adapt, and the ability to engage with one's audience. Consequently, if you are a woman with an entrepreneurial spirit, there has never been a more opportune moment to share your ideas with your fans, community, and audience.

Social media has been a game-changer for women entrepreneurs in India, offering them unique opportunities for empowerment and growth. Here are some key ways social media has empowered women entrepreneurs in the country:

Overcoming traditional barriers

Social media has provided a platform for women to overcome traditional barriers to entry in the business world. It allows them to bypass gender biases and create their own business opportunities, regardless of their geographical location

Enhanced visibility and branding

Social media platforms enable women entrepreneurs to establish their brands and showcase their expertise on a global scale. It provides a level playing field where the quality of content and ideas matters more than gender, allowing women to compete and succeed based on their merit

Networking and collaboration

Social media facilitates networking and collaboration among women entrepreneurs, fostering a supportive community that shares resources, knowledge, and experiences. Platforms like Facebook groups, LinkedIn communities, and Twitter chats bring like-minded women together, enabling them to learn from one another and form strategic partnerships

Access to markets and customers

 Social media platforms have democratized access to markets and customers, eliminating the need for significant upfront investments. Women entrepreneurs can leverage social media to promote their products or services directly to consumers, reaching a wider audience at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional marketing channels

Women Entrepreneurs in India

Several inspiring examples illustrate how social media has empowered women entrepreneurs in India. Here are a few notable instances.

Chitra Gurnani Daga

The founder of Thrillophilia, an online platform for travel experiences, used social media to build her brand and connect with adventure enthusiasts. Through captivating content and strategic social media marketing, she transformed her startup into a successful business, reaching a vast audience of travelers

Falguni Nayar

Falguni is the founder and CEO of Nykaa, a popular beauty and cosmetics e-commerce platform in India. She has effectively utilized social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube to promote beauty products, provide makeup tutorials, and engage with customers. Falguni's social media presence has empowered women to embrace their beauty and express themselves through makeup, while also supporting women-led businesses in the beauty industry

Rashi Narang

Rashi Narang, the founder of Heads Up For Tails, an online pet store, harnessed the power of social media to build a loyal customer base and expand her business. By utilizing platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share adorable pet photos and educational content, she successfully connected with pet owners across India

Malini Agarwal

Malini is the founder of MissMalini Entertainment, a popular entertainment and lifestyle website. She leveraged social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to create engaging content, share celebrity news and fashion trends, and connect with her audience. Malini's social media presence has not only established her as a successful entrepreneur but has also provided a platform for other women in the entertainment industry to showcase their talent and gain visibility

Masoom Minawala Mehta

Masoom is the founder of Style Fiesta, an online fashion and accessories brand. She leveraged social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube to showcase her fashion sense, offer style tips, and promote her brand. Through consistent content creation and engagement with her audience, she has built a strong online presence and established herself as a leading fashion influencer and entrepreneur

Shradha Sharma

Shradha is the founder of YourStory, a media platform that showcases inspiring stories of entrepreneurs and startups. She effectively used social media, particularly Twitter and LinkedIn, to share these stories and connect with a wide network of entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Through YourStory's social media presence, Shradha has created a platform that supports and uplifts women entrepreneurs by sharing their success stories

Neha Bagaria

Neha is the founder and CEO of JobsForHer, an online platform that connects women to job opportunities, skill-building resources, and mentorship programs. She has leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness about women's career aspirations, share job opportunities, and provide guidance to women re-entering the workforce. Neha's social media campaigns have empowered women to overcome career gaps and find fulfilling employment opportunities.

These examples demonstrate how women entrepreneurs in India have effectively utilized social media platforms to build their brands, connect with their audience, and empower themselves and others in the process.

Future of Social Media for Businesses in India

The future of social media for businesses in India looks promising. As technology continues to evolve, social media platforms will become increasingly integrated with various aspects of entrepreneurship. Here are a few predictions for the future of social media in Indian business landscape:

Continued rise of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to play a significant role in brand promotion and customer engagement. Businesses, including women-led enterprises, will leverage influencers' credibility and reach to enhance their brand visibility.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

AR and VR technologies have the potential to transform social media experiences, enabling businesses to provide immersive and interactive content to their audience. Women entrepreneurs can utilize these technologies to showcase their products or services in innovative and engaging ways.

Increased emphasis on personalization

Social media platforms will increasingly focus on personalized user experiences. Businesses, including women-led startups, will need to tailor their content and marketing strategies to meet the individual needs and preferences of their target audience.

Rise of video content

Video content will continue to dominate social media platforms. Women entrepreneurs can leverage video marketing to tell compelling stories, demonstrate product features, and engage with their audience effectively.

How can the Established Women Entrepreneur help other Women Empower and use Social Media to become Successful Entrepreneurs?

Established women entrepreneurs play a vital role in empowering budding women entrepreneurs through social media platforms. By leveraging their experience and expertise, they can provide valuable support and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs. Here's how established women entrepreneurs can empower their peers through social media:

Building a supportive community

Established women entrepreneurs can use social media platforms to connect with like-minded individuals and create a supportive community. By sharing their own experiences, challenges, and successes, they can inspire and motivate budding women entrepreneurs. Through group discussions, live sessions, and online forums, they can foster collaboration, offer mentorship, and provide a safe space for aspiring entrepreneurs to seek advice and support

Access to knowledge and resources

Established women entrepreneurs can use social media to share knowledge and resources that can benefit budding entrepreneurs. They can curate and share relevant articles, blog posts, and industry insights to help others stay informed and up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. By recommending online courses, webinars, and educational resources, they can empower aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary tools and skills for business growth

Encouraging women-led collaborations

Social media platforms provide an ideal space for established women entrepreneurs to promote and encourage collaborations among aspiring entrepreneurs. They can initiate conversations, highlight the achievements and success stories of women-led businesses, and connect individuals with complementary skills and interests. By fostering a culture of collaboration and partnership, they can empower budding entrepreneurs to leverage each other's strengths and achieve collective success

Redefining work-Life balance

Established women entrepreneurs can use social media to showcase their own experiences of achieving work-life balance. They can share insights and strategies for managing personal and professional commitments, addressing the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. By promoting the idea that entrepreneurship can be pursued while maintaining a fulfilling personal life, they can inspire and empower budding entrepreneurs to embrace their aspirations without compromising on other aspects of their lives

Overcoming cultural and societal barriers

Social media platforms provide a powerful tool for established women entrepreneurs to challenge and overcome cultural and societal barriers. They can use their influence and reach to break stereotypes and advocate for gender equality in entrepreneurship. By sharing stories of their own journey and highlighting the achievements of other women entrepreneurs, they can inspire and empower budding entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams, regardless of societal expectations or biases

Through these efforts, established women entrepreneurs can leverage social media to create a supportive ecosystem that empowers and uplifts budding women entrepreneurs. By sharing knowledge, providing mentorship, fostering collaborations, redefining work-life balance, and challenging societal barriers, they can contribute to the growth and success of aspiring women entrepreneurs in India.


Social media has emerged as a powerful tool in empowering women entrepreneurs in India. Through its various platforms and functionalities, social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audience, and women entrepreneurs have harnessed this power to their advantage. By leveraging social media, women entrepreneurs have been able to overcome barriers, find a supportive community, access knowledge and resources, foster collaborations, redefine work-life balance, and challenge societal norms. Social media has enabled women entrepreneurs to build a strong and supportive community, where they can connect with like-minded individuals, seek mentorship, and collaborate on innovative ideas. This sense of community has provided them with the necessary encouragement, motivation, and guidance to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations. The future of social media for businesses in India holds immense potential, with the rise of influencer marketing, advancements in AR and VR technologies and AI, increased personalization, and the dominance of video content. Women entrepreneurs should continue to embrace and harness the power of social media to thrive in the dynamic business landscape, driving innovation, growth, and empowerment.


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