ISSN: 1550-7521
Philipp Müller*
Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Received date: February 01, 2021; Accepted date: February 15, 2021; Published date: February 22, 2021
Citation: Philipp Müller. Impact of COVID-19 in Contemporary World. Global Media Journal 2021, 19:38.
Copyright: © 2021 Müller P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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The way we live our lives and earn a living has been changed by globalization. As a consequence, trade and travel have been identified as essential determinants of disease propagation. In addition, global interconnectedness has been encouraged by the growth in urbanization and closer integration of the world economy.
Globalization has now emerged as an important transmission mechanism for diseases. The goal of this paper is to explore the possible impacts of COVID-19 on globalization and global health with regard to migration, trade, travel and the most affected countries.
In terms of mobility, economics, and health systems, the influence of globalization has been operationalized. Using airline and seaport trade data and travel statistics, the mobility of individuals and their magnitude was evaluated.
Based on the workforce, event cancellations, food and agriculture, research institutions, and the supply chain, the economic effect was calculated. Healthcare capability was measured by taking into account indices of healthcare systems and countries' preparedness.
Not only in terms of mortality, but also through their effect on our everyday livelihood and the economy, the effects of a pandemic are established, with globalization worsening this loss and costing billions (US dollars) in investment.
Using airlines and seaport trade and travel details, the mobility of individuals and the corresponding magnitude was assessed. Major airlines were chosen across Asia, the Americas, and Europe based on the number of countries traveling to and from each airline.
There is a big pandemic in the world caused by SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19-causing coronavirus. In mid-November 2019, this disease first reached the human population in Hubei Province, China, and manifested in Wuhan, Hubei's largest metropolitan city, when a cluster of patients with 'extreme pneumonia of unknown cause' were admitted to hospital in early December.
While humanity has survived previous infectious agent pandemics, the current one is remarkable in its ability to take advantage of modern globalization, allowing for a startling pace of rapid transboundary spread.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a dramatic worldwide loss of human life and poses an unparalleled threat to public health, food systems and the world of work.
The COVID-19 crisis brings together food security, public health and jobs and labor issues, especially the health and safety of employees. In resolving the human dimension of the crisis, adhering to occupational safety and health policies and ensuring access to fair jobs and the enforcement of labor rights in all sectors would be critical.
Especially vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 are countries coping with ongoing humanitarian crises or emergencies. It is important to respond quickly to the pandemic while ensuring that humanitarian and recovery aid reaches those most in need.
The efficacy of public health agencies, who are considerably less qualified in many countries than they are in China, is another major variable.
In any case, global supply chains are already being disrupted by plant closures and production suspensions. In order to reduce their exposure to long-distance vulnerabilities, producers are taking action. At least so far, financial commentators have focused on cost calculations for specific sectors: car manufacturers worried about parts shortages; textile manufacturers deprived of fabrics; luxury goods retailers hungry for customers; and the tourism sector, where cruise ships have become hotbeds of contagion in particular.
Even before COVID-19, the growing nationalism that pushed governments and companies to define new constructs and goals was a major challenge to globalisation.
We must reconsider the sustainability of our world and, with ambition and urgency, solve climate change and environmental degradation. Only then will we protect all people's health, livelihoods, food safety and nutrition, and make sure our 'new standard' is a better one.
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