ISSN: 1550-7521
Department of Communication, Amity University Gurgaon, Amity Hills, Manesar Panchgaon, Gurugram, Haryana 122413, India
Received Date: Jun 26, 2018; Accepted Date: Jul 16, 2018; Published Date: Jul 23, 2018
Citation: Jha AK. Challenges Faced in Handling Website Promotion with Google Tools and Techniques. Global Media Journal 2018, 16:31.
Copyright: © 2018 Jha AK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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When we talk about Digital Platform, the first thing that strikes to our mind is Google and its tools and techniques. Digitization means Googlization of content, products and services electronically. Googling, as per the Oxford Dictionary connotes ‘searching information and content on internet with the help of search engine. SEO promotional activities are key factors for enhancing the reach of web vertical on Google by using a number of tools and techniques, rather all the methods of advanced search operation are applied to achieve high Com-score for making it successful. Most commonly faced challenges on Google promotion are discussed in the article to find solutions and tasks for those who are interested to research further in this context. Search Engine Optimization, however is widely used for the purpose but the practical glitches are understood only when the redressal of issues is taken up in relation to Posting and Browsing of stories, Updation of stories, tagging and meta-tagging, hyperlinking of stories, Google analytical data description, Google Algorithm and above all Google Traffic Promotion on the website.
The News makers and technical support staff like SEO or website promoters go hand in hand for development and growth of any website on Google taking account of all tools and techniques for promotional activities but how far the information’s related to Google analytics and algorithm are understood in handling the glitches and snag at the end of Google itself will be discussed here citing some practical examples.
It is high time when people search on some topic and the Google provides a variety of news or articles which are not even related. The logic behind this issue is given that the Google caters a range of news and views to its viewers along with. Does it answer a query?
The Google’s translated version of any text seems to be quite non-coherent and error-full. This section has not improved much in these years despite impoverishment on Google tools.
The breaking story which is posted by any website with proper tags and meta description gets figured on Google in first few pages instantly but with the passage of time the same story covered by a famous media brand comes on top and continues to stay throughout even if the former makes changes in the story with better updating facts. The cause for not getting the updated story of new website on top of Google page cannot be exactly described?
Google Algorithm changes time and again and the SEO for site promotion gets hindered. Even correct tags and Meta description used for content promotion on Google are practically unable to fetch traffic on the website for long. The exact mechanism to update the site in consonance with the changes being brought in by the Google frequently is still an enigma to many including SEO promoters.
The trial and error method is largely seen to be adopted for many upcoming sites due to non-availability of SEO guidelines. The change in Google Search Optimization process definitely affects the traffic on new or less important branded site. On the other hand, the famous and most popular websites are hardly marred by any shift on Google Search Policies.
The Homepage or the Landing Page of any website takes a longer duration to upload on Google search; besides, moving from homepage to micro-site or secondary page may have problems in browsing because the Pop-Ups and related news items occur very often to distract the readers or viewers from focusing on their interested topic. Google again leaves a big task at the end of website manager if he or she wants to retain reader or viewer on the site then the page crawling time interval should be kept minimum. It was the cause behind Auto-refresh method adopted by new website promoters to obtain high Com-score in the light of site promotion.
The stories which are removed from the website due to some technical snag or factual error are not completely wiped out from the Google Search for a longer duration because the URL of the story picked up by the Google keeps reflecting the header along with a paragraph of the story on the browser of Google. Though, clicking on the URL of the story leads to landing page with 404 error. This irks the news provider and readers as well.
Google traffic is quite unpredictable and unassertive as it is not clear whether the formulae related to Google browsing or promotional activities on the site will definitely bring out a remarkable effect on traffic growth and achievement on the website.
The related stories on any website are sometimes not in conformity with the search that has been sought for.
The suggestions are quite obvious that the tools and techniques associated with Google Search need to be simple and more user-friendly. As the advancement of technology is taking place, the search process is supposed to be less techcomplex. The SEO promotion is directly proportional to changes in Google Algorithm or any policy changes search platform.
The issue regarding frequent changes being made on technical front by Google needs to be quickly understood by the SEO promoters.
A specific style-sheet or basic guidelines must be developed for common Digital news makers to follow strictly to get figured on Google Search prominently and permanently.
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