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Accessibility of various network platforms and how emotional communication happens in social media

K Mahmoud*

Faculty of Mass Media Communication and Political Sciences, India

*Corresponding Author:
K Mahmoud
Faculty of Mass Media Communication and Political Sciences, India
Received: 06-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. gmj-23-85715; Editor assigned: 07-Jan-2023, PreQC No. gmj-23-85715; Reviewed: 21-Jan-2023, QC No. gmj-23-85715; Revised: 26-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. gmj-23-85715 (R); Published: 31-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.36648/1550-7521.21.59.346

Citation: K Mahmoud (2023) Accessibility of Various Network Platforms and How Emotional Communication Happens in Social Media. Global Media Journal, 21:59.

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Pervasive emotional expression in cyberspace has increased misgivings and brought challenges to governance. The circumstance medium of emotional communication can give further ideas to attack similar problems. This study proposed the “Arousal-Homophily-Echo” model with multi-dimensional features as a frame of fine- granulated exploration practice. The model divided Emotional Communication into three situations and we handed their delineations and measures. Also we creatively combined machine literacy and its interpretability to prognosticate and explain how emotional communication happens. The data of the online public discussion on a representative incident was used to fit the vaticination models, grounded on which we epitomized important features and anatomized their influences. The optimal vaticination models can be employed to estimate and cover extremity communication in cyberspace, while the specific influences of important factors can guide the intervention strategies to palliate adverse goods of emotional communication.


Emotional Communication; Vaticination Model; Online Public Opinion; Social Media; Interpretable Machine; Learning Cyberspace Governance


The pervasiveness and availability of colourful network platform services promote information communication but bring numerous challenges for cyberspace governance. Vicious incidents similar as scuttlebutt spreading, false propaganda, unreasonableness inciting, violence instigating and particular attacks be worldwide on social media, during which “feelings” add energy to the fire. Feelings expressed by the prophet can be intensively contagious, bringing the followership into the situation and arousing their feelings to a certain position. As an commerce pattern including emotional expression, contagion and sharing, Emotional Communication can change the followership's Actions, similar as reposting or liking the views harmonious with their own, expressing mistrustfulness or wrathfulness to the opposing views. Also the followership will come a new emotional prophet, exacerbating the trend of “emphasizing emotion but weakening information ” for online public opinion with a “ domino ” effect [1, 2].

Emotional Communication in cyberspace has come a content taking much further attention. Irrational emotional expressions are generally seditious, abstracting the followership's cognitive coffers and making it hard to distinguish fact from misinformation. Driven by the followership’s emotional instinct, content with extreme negative feelings attain rapid-fire and frequent reposts. With similar emotional tricks, rumours and fake news spread extensively, which makes cyberspace full of information with mixed rates. also, after resonance and accumulation, individual feelings can come that of a group, deconstructing the conformation of other rational opinions with the “curl of silence” and driving vicious collaborative conduct. Current programs or measures emphasize supervising and covering the content, but there's still a long way to go to reduce the adverse goods of feelings [3, 4].

When exploring the influence of emotional communication, the target variable was the overall influence of the content, similar as the number of reposts and commentary. Features were uprooted from metadata, but the followership's responses weren't concerned. By bedding druggies’ feelings into the network, the analysis granularity was meliorated from each post to the stoner brace, but it remained unclear how emotional communication happens. As for models bluffing the process of emotional communication, although considering impacting factors, the computation complexity limits the addition of factors. Also, the parameter setting depends on former findings, checks or interviews, neglecting the birth of new factors from real data [5]. Also, the prognosticated pointers are dynamic results at a specific time rather than the emotional commerce between druggies.

Emotional Communication is a cerebral exertion conforming of evaluations and behavioural responses of the prophet and the followership to a common object they observe. Hence, rather of simply observing communication results of emotional contents, exploration should concentrate more on the interactive process of Emotional Communication between two druggies. More importantly, the impacting medium of the prophet's emotional expression on the followership's response remains unknown. This requires a dimension system for emotional communication and the analysis of impacting factors from a broader perspective. To address these gaps, this study proposes an “Arousal-Homophily- Echo” model as a frame of fine- granulated practice [6-9].

This is conducive to associating propositions with practical patterns of emotional communication. Grounded on optimal vaticination models, we use styles for interpreting machine literacy models to epitomize important factors and infer their places. Given the being supervision fastening on the content and prophet, this study aims to expand ideas and directions of cyberspace governance to the followership.

Literature review and theoretical background

The goods of emotional expression

Emotional expression can affect the information spreading on social media. feelings within the content generally increase the probability and frequency of being reposted. More specifically, micro blogs with negative feelings make the followership a stronger tendency to repost and are reposted more fleetly and constantly. vids with stronger positive feelings are more likely to be participated on Facebook. likewise, different feelings may admit different responses from the followership. Posts with worries admit further probative commentary, while those with positive passions can admit further commentary with positive feelings.

The goods of emotional expression are also affected by druggies. Further negative feelings are expressed by influential druggies on political affairs. Druggies who constantly partake feelings admit further likes from the followership. A YouTube vlogger's habitual emotional expression can homogeneously impact his/ her followers. Stoner accounts combined with the government and mainstream media ply the most significant influence on the public's feelings. druggies with further friend- relations or who post smaller are prone to be subject to their musketeers ’ feelings [10].


Taking an online public discussion on a hot incident as a case, this study up rooted multi-dimensional features from applicable data and constructed machine literacy models to prognosticate “Arousal-Homophily- Echo” Emotional Communication. Also we epitomized important features and inferred their influences on emotional communication by interpretable machine literacy styles.

Case selection

This study took a public discussion on the “TikTok US Ban” 1 in China as an illustration. As for the spreading goods, this incident was of significant influence and touched off an on- going heated discussion. The influence indicator was94.4, ranking top 1 of all the internet public opinion incidents recorded by Zhiwei 2 for six times. The discussion lasted over two months, during which some sub events or subtopics were deduced. Nearly everyone could find the subtopic interested and familiar to him her. Hence, numerous netizens joined the discussion, expressing opinions and feelings from different perspectives. The broad participation and the long duration made the “TikTok US Ban” discussion accumulate abundant dependable data. It's representative enough to help find out further patterns of emotional communication on social media.

As for the characteristics of the “TikTok US Ban” incident, it was a business affair related to transnational politics, the internet assiduity and profitable globalization. Emotional responses and rational views attend since political and profitable issues are nearly related to public interests. The balance between the rational and emotional systems is in accord with our theoretical hypotheticals to dissect the process of emotional communication. Meanwhile, feelings and views are generally different because there's no standard correct answer to political and profitable problems and everyone can freely speak out. The diversity of emotional expression can contribute to rooting latent and general patterns behind the data from a advanced dimension with machine literacy.

As a leading and the biggest social media platform in China, Sina Weibo (http// has come an essential channel for netizens to acquire the rearmost news, bandy social issues and laboriously share in politics, known as “China's Twitter”. Until the end of September 2021, the number of yearly active and diurnal active druggies of Sina Weibo reached 573 million and 248 million, independently. Therefore, data from Sina Weibo can best represent broad and general public opinions on social media in China. Either, this platform integrates familiarity and nonnatives’ fraternizing functions, which give colourful scripts for emotional communication. This is conducive to landing further commerce patterns from real data.

Data collection and pre-processing

We tried several hunt strategies to collect posts about the named case “TikTok US Ban” on Sina Weibo. It was set up that content reclamation is the most effective strategy for balancing both the recall and delicacy of hunt results. retaining to the segmentation of input hunt terms in the advanced hunt function, the results of content reclamation could include all-sided keywords’ combination. Therefore, we named motifs applicable to “TikTok US Ban” as hunt terms to collect data from Weibo.


This study takes a public discussion on the “TikTok US Ban” as an illustration to explore Emotional Communication through a wide lens. We crawled metadata of micro blogs, commentary and druggies following the reclamation strategy. Afterpre-processing the data, we reserved 11744 applicable micro blogs posted from July 13th, 2020 to Sept. 29th, 2020. Textbooks of these micro blogs were input to the LDA model to identify motifs during the “TikTok US Ban” discussion. Vaticination models needed micro blogs with feelings, therefore 033 micro blogs were named and 903 commentaries were matched with these micro blogs from the pool of commentary. Similarly 126 unique accounts involved in emotional communication were named from the pool of druggies.


Theoretical benefactions

Emotional communication has raised enterprises from academics. This study is a meaningful step towards understanding the circumstance medium of emotional communication, furnishing several theoretical benefactions.

First, we propose the “Arousal- Homophily-Echo” model combining applicable propositions and the being generalizations. The model divides Emotional Communication into emotional thrill, emotional homophily and emotional echo intensity with tentative sense. When the followership's emotion is aroused, the variations of emotional valence and intensity will be explored. Such a fine- granulated division regards emotional communication as an commerce process, not simply a result of emotional responses. Both primitive emotional contagion and conscious emotional contagion concentrate on the result of whether feelings ply influence or not. still, the concurrence of two paths increases the query, making it necessary to consider the degree of emotional contagion. Hence, we propose an integrated model including differences in the presence, valence and intensity of emotional expressions between the prophet and the followership. also, corresponding generalities are related to different paths. However, we suppose emotional thrill and emotional homophily not happens, If feelings in the followership's responses are absent or different from the prophet's. Rational cognition is dominant in similar circumstances. The belittlementfeedback medium substantially leads to emotional homophily and stronger emotional echo intensities.


This study proposes the “Arousal- Homophily- Echo” Emotional Communication model to explore how emotional communication happens between two individualities in social media. This model considers emotional communication as a process with tentative sense, in which multi-dimensional features from the prophet, content and followership play places. Such a frame of fine- granulated practice can help find some neglected factors and counts well for unborn work. Our methodology employed to corroborate the model provides a typical work case for exploration with analogous conditions. It gives full play to the advantages of machine literacy and its interpretability. The optimal vaticination models can be employed to estimate and advise implicit heads caused by extreme feelings in cyberspace.


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